Monday, July 18, 2011

Wow The Good Life

I appreciate the guest post, Lindsay Valdez

We are in our mid-30’s and have enjoyed the fruits of our labors as upwardly mobile young executives living the city life. However after our second child was born, we decided we didn’t want to raise our children in the hustle and bustle of the city and relocated to the country north of our city. Commuting into the city was possible for my husband’s job and my freelance work allowed me the freedom to work from home. Imagine my shock when I found out I was far enough out in the country that internet service was hard to come by. Fortunately, I was able to get service from and it has made staying in touch a lot easier—plus it allowed me the ability to continue my freelance work without an interruption. We love it here and I am happy that my children can grow up with memories similar to those of my childhood—space to roam around, clean air and neighbors who know you by name and like to join you on the front porch for a glass of cold lemonade.

Like a Red Fly

When someone is moving from one place to another we tease them that he or she is a red fly. Now I can compare myself to a red fly since we are moving to three places in a very short period of time. The other day we were in Maryland today were in Aiken and next month in Greenville. We're not criminals but we are moving where we can survive and oh yes were like the red fly.Who knows where we are going tomorrow?;-)
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

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