The earth has given us a lot since the beginning of time. We take advantage of the water, the trees, the minerals and everything it produces. We use these products at home, at school and wherever we are. As the earth has given us much, how can we make her better for all of us? As a teacher, I took part in disseminating the importance of the celebration of Earth day. We have discussed and taught the students the importance of taking care of the earth by using the 3R's- reuse, reduce and recycle. The children shared amazing ideas of how to help save the resources of mother earth. Paper, plastic, bottles and can can be reused or recycled. There are many ways and means of conserving the the only earth we live. Another interesting way of helping the earth is by recycling old cell phones. Did you know that iBuyPhones recycles used cell phones? For each and every cell phone donated a tree is planted. Do you have any other eco-friendly idea you can share with? As www.ibuyphones.comjoins the celebration, you can enter Earth Day contest and get a chance to win $422. Wow! This is a fun way of getting involved with helping save the earth.
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