My stepson definitely loves outdoor gears. He wears his military trench coat all the time except on the summer. I can see why because it is very durable and functional. One time when I washed his trench coat I almost couldn't believe how heavy it was. I am thinking of buying him a lighter coat or a jacket, and a pair of pants since it is already summer. I saw him wearing the same kind of pants all the time. His pants is already torn but it has already served him well. I need to replace it. I think he would love this 5.11 Tactical Pants. I am sure he would love this covert cargo pants. The water and wind resistant big horn jacket is also very casual for our young man.
hope youll send one for my son when he grows up too!! he"s still so little and im sure his body wouldnt support the weight of those pants,,let me recall.. hhhmnn how old is my son? yeah,, he just turned one,hehehehe,,, i bet my boy would also look good in those pants,, is there a baby size for that one???hehehehe juz kidding!
hehehe, ur silly girl xyza. tactical pants are for big boys. ust wait when ur baby will be old enough.;-)
That sounds like a great idea. Your stepson should like it.
Yes, Michelle I do hope he will. Thanks for the dropping by.;-)
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