Monday, June 1, 2009

Top Entrecard Droppers

More Thank You Comments & Graphics

I can't believe it's June! Time passes by so fast. We already are in the mid year already, can you believe that? As the school closes here I remember this month of the year schools are officially opened in the Philippines. The teachers will be busy preparing their classrooms. Finally, in a few days time my children will take a long long vacation. Before I forget thank you to all entrecard droppers who have visited my blog. Kudos to my awesome top entrecard droppers are:
1. Without Dash
2. Computer Help and Advice
3. Mother by Design
4. The Crazy Project
5. Tasty Thoughts
6. Lovely Purses
7. Luv a Bargain
8. Cen's Stuff
9. Triple A
10. Earth to Holly

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