Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Haircut Issue

When stepson came home he asked me that he needs a haircut. He has a very long hair so I took stepson to the parlor today for the haircut requirement of the navy rotc thing. He called up his mom and yacked about it on the phone while he was in the car that no parent of his will sign him out of rotc so he can do nothing about it. In the first place he sign it himself on his own will and nobody pushed him to do such a thing. His dad asked him if he needs to sign anything just bring anything and sign it. I know he wants to prove to his dad that he can do it himself so went around it by asking me to sign it but I didn't. Sometimes he thinks I'm all yes to him. Now he has short hair and he looks human again. Lol. He sent a pic to his girlfriend to show off his new haircut and she said she looked good with it. His heart bloated. We also went to the dry cleaner to have his pants hemmed up and his patch stick to a shirt. Luckily it was just next to the parlor. Look what I am doing, I am all support yet he thinks we are asshole parents. Sigh...Teens freaks me out. It made me feel so old. Hahaha...

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