Monday, November 2, 2009

Thanks To My Top Entrecard Droppers

My daughter and I have been sick this past few days. I am supposed to go to work today but called it off since I am not really feeling well and I have to be here with my daughter. At any rate I would like to thank my top entrecard droppers for the month of October. I am doing my best to return the favor. Thank you so much.
1. Cooking Japanese Style
2. All Stace, All The Time
3. Bits and Pieces
4. Mother By Design
5. Without Dash
6. One World Realty
7. My Kids Are My World
8. Just My Two Cents
9. SFV Blog
10. Country Farm De Alfonso: A Dad's Dead Dream


Naoko said...

Hiya and Thank you.. Glad to visit your blog. I hope you and your daughter are feeling better. Have a great week.

Mel said...

Thanks Naoko

Dhemz said...

congrats sa naka apil sa lista...ehehehe!

hi sis, thanks for leaving a comment....if ever may time ka...hope you can Vote for Akesha salamat!

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