Thursday, February 11, 2010

First Snowman Ever...

The kids did not have class yesterday. Last night it was announced that there will be no class again for today. There was too much mess on the road and it is to dangerous for the kids to go. I made some macaroons and embutido last night. I'm glad my kids loved it.
I woke up late today since I slept late last night. The kids played in the snow outside with some other kids. I have to drag myself with them. Then we made a big snowman in front of the house. There was more than enough snow to make a big one. James said this was the first snowman we built successfully ever.;-) I think he liked the outcome of our team effort. It was awesome but the crazy thing is I misplaced my camera. I have been cleaning the house and forgot where I placed my camera. I hope I can take a pic of it before it melts away.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Harsh Winter

We had our second winterstorm last Saturday. Hubby did most of the work cleaning up the mess in the driveway. After that he felt overfatigued and is not feeling well. I felt guilty of not helping him.;-( The third one is not faraway. It is expected to come in on Wednesday. My oh my, the snow has not melted yet and another one is coming in. Can you believe how harsh winter is this year? This is no longer exciting... Some towns suffered since their electrical power went out. Some schools closed. My oh my... I hope this won't be as bad.
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

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