Thursday, June 24, 2010

First Day of Kids' Vacation

Something funny is going on here. It's been a while since I updated my blog that i almost forgot on how to write a new post. I kept on thinking and looking around to see how to start. Ahh, finally I was able to find my way.;-)

Anyways, today is my children's first day of their long vacation. I woke up early and prepared them breakfast. They have already been going to the pool for the last couple of days since they only have had half days. Yesterday it was so ridiculously hot and they wanted to go swimming but I don't want them to go swimming so they decided to turn the garden sprinkler and had fun. Simple joy of kids what more could you ask for.;-) I don't have so much activities lined up for them but their teacher did gave them something to answer like once in a while so they won't forget everything about school. I do have a plan of having Heaven's birthday party at Sahara Sam's next month so we have a long way to go.;-) Ain't that cool.


Anonymous said...

nice psot,..

Jesson Balaoing said...

real and quite interesting!

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