Thursday, August 26, 2010

It Hit Me By Surprise

My husband was laid off from work, the work that pirated him two years ago. He had add on bonus and all of our belongings were moved for free. He swore he will never work with this bunch of people who don't know the value of work. He always go to work the earliest. He worked overtime all the time yet he was laid off. Oh well he's not the only person being laid off to work, our neigbor was laid off before him and they worked in the same company. No projects were coming in so human resources were minimized. Hubby came home teary-eyed and I did not know what to do. I just told him not to worry because he can still find another job. he has structural designer skills and not a lot of people have a keen eye for details. It's just a sad thing. My family is not the only one hit by this crisis. The blow was just sudden that it shocked us. We are paying mortgage and taxes...With nothing coming in... now what? How can we pay the two thousand house mortgage and five thousand property tax? Waaa. I hope and pray there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Unknown said...

it's not the end of the road, i know there are more jobs waiting for him:)

Cacai M. said...

:( Hugs for you. :(

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