Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas @ Home

The kids were so happy and amazed that I brought home a little Christmas tree. In the eyes of a child a tree is gigantic no matter how small it is with all the gifts and decorations around it. It was a simple one decorated with red and gold balls. I got the tree since hubby would not be going home for Christmas but then hubby really surorised me. He came home last Wednesday. Lucky me.;-) Somebody will be driving me to the Chritmas party at a friend's house.;-)
We got the kids a Wii and it made them really happy. Son also wanted a twister game and daughter wanted a nice barbie doll on top of that. I thought it's cool to have nice presents for Christmas. For me I am happy enough to have hubby home.

1 comment:

Mona said...

merry christmas =)

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