And I have started shopping with coupons...once tasted always wanted. Who doesn't love good deals darling?;-) Thank you Krazy Coupon Lady I have learned so much from you. I'm a new at this so I am reading it slowly. The when I got it I decided to list down what I want and what I needed then headed to Walgreens and CVS this week.
I'm so proud of my good buy from Walgreens. I got a 14 count W Maxi Overnights pads. Actually bought for $2 then got a registered rewards(RR) for $2 which means it's free!
I also got a balance bar for $1.50 and got another RR for $1.50 that's another free!
I got 2 SoftSoap Body Wash with $2 in store coupon, a .50, .75, and .25 manufacturer's coupon. I ended up paying 1.25 for each body wash. How cool is that! I also got a kettle corn potato chips on sale for 1.99 and I got a $1 coupon so I ended up paying .99 cent for that. I was able to use my RR for some spices that were on sale for .79 cents each.
We went to CVS and grab some Theraflu on sale for $5.50. I have a $3 coupon if you buy 2 from Smartsource. On top of that earned $3 Extra Bucks. Final price for this is $2. I also bought olay cleansing cloth on sale for 3.99 with $2 off smartsource coupon. I ended up paying 1.99 deal. The Glade Sense and Spray is on sale for $6 and I have a $3 coupon so I paid $3 only regular price is 11.29.
I'm glad I am really learning.