It is easy to get credit cards. It is easy to splurge and spend it but when the bills come in you will get shocked. It is always wise to be able to spend wisely. Stick to the basics- food, clothing and shelter. Yet sometimes we tend to splurge on the basics because we thought we need it when the truth is we actually just want it. How much food we need a week? How much is thrown away? How many clothes do we need for the year? How often do we buy clothes? How much do we spend for our shelter? Allocating for the basic necessities is important.
At one time hubby lived in an apartment in Memphis. He was a good tenant. He always pay his apartment bill on time. When he left the apartment we even went back to clean it. To make the story short when he left the landlord ran after him for some bills charged to him for burning the carpet or something like that. I thought it's ridiculous. Wherever we go they always write him and tell him to pay. At first he just ignored it then the next he felt really irritated. It's surprising how they get a way knowing where you live. For sure there is a law to protect a good paying tenant from all of this. I felt he is being harassed. This is an unfair and deceptive debt collection practice that a frugal man has encountered.
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