It's not Easter yet but we got our free bunny from craigslist. I have searched for free pets since my children wanted to get a pet. I have seen that they are ready to be taught responsibility of taking care of their pet. I wanted to get a pair but my husband wanted only one. My kids were wondering why we did not go to a store when we went to the girl's house where we went to get the bunny. I told because someone is giving it to us for free but we also went to the store to buy the cage, dish, water bottle and food. The kids are loving their pet. They even brought it inside their room because they don't want her to feel that cold and alone downstairs. We named the white bunny "Snowy". It reminded us of the coldest day in Jersey, it was also the day we got her. Thanks Christy for the free bunny!
really cute bunny, kids definitely love it :)
wow. there really are free pets around? this is a new concept for me. had no idea that some pets can be given away for free
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