Saturday, January 17, 2009

When Opportunity Knocks

I am so overwhelmed that finally my hardwork for blogging has been paid off. I was approved by payperpost! Not only that, I have already been taking opportunities too. I was at first so disappointed when I submitted my blog and they decline it sometime like 3 months ago. Oh well, I just started my blog then but they wanted to blogs with certain amount of post and traffic. I even one time took a rest and stayed away from the computer. Now it's the other way around, I am most of the time online. I am doing my best to earn here and there online as a writer. I have payperpost and socialspark. Yeeeha! It sounds great right. I really did not expect or believed there was opportunity to earn online but yes there is. Those who want to earn money you should try it out to start blogging now. If you have just started you have to be patient. I thought 3 moths was long ways. I did not think about it and I did not expect it has come. Just keep on going and going as you develop your writing skills. Seasoned fruit is sweeter to eat so they say.It feels good that the approvals came in one by one almost simultaneously. When opportunity knocks go grab it!


Petula said...

Congratulations and good luck.

Mel said...

Thanks Petula. Hope you have a good one too.

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