Monday, August 24, 2009


Have you tried going to the mall with no plans of buying anything? I bet its hard since it's so tempting to buy something with all the stores you find in it. We went to Cherry Hill Mall yesterday. It's been a long time since I last went to the mall. I wanted to just go visit Cherry Hill Mall not minding on what to buy. The outside layout of the mall looked funny to me because I thought the stores are all separate. Oh well how come you call i a mall if they're all separate. Yesterday when I told my hubby tha I want6 to go malling he instantly agreed about it. I was so happy and excited.
As we were walking around the mall we saw the Disney store. The kids wanted to check what's in it. James found something that he wanted to buy which was beyond the amount he was allowed. He threw fits on us as we walk around the mall. We ended up buying him a toy in Toys R Us. We bought an sms toy that they send and receive message around the house. I think it was my fault since I did not tell them that my purpose in going to the mall is just to roam around and not buy anything. The next time around I should be telling them about it before we go.
I bought some strawberry shake and chocolate ice cream at DQ's. Hubby bought some pepperoni pretzels at Aunt Anne's. Boy it was so good I almost forgot my name. Lol. Hubby was amazed of how much I loved the pretzels since I'm not a fan of american food yet I liked it so much that I vowed to buy some again.

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