Yesterday we decided to go and buy some toys for the kids. We looked for the nearest toys r us and we found it in Cherry Hill which is in Route 70. The kids got so excited with choosing their toys. Looking around James got more anxious and could not even decide what to get. He got a toy guitar in the Barbie aisle, well as long as he is happy with that. He got a batman toy and a so called Vincent, Im not sure what it is but it looked like a big wristwatch. Heaven got excited with her toy register, maybe she wants to be a cashier someday lol. She also got a boombox cd player, a bag, a camp rock cd and a flashlight.I helped her make her choices but I was having a hard time helping James with what he should get. I told James that next time he should make a wish list so that when we will go to the store he will not get confused on what to get. They both shared the cd player and both listened to their camp rock music. It makes me so happy to see them overjoyed. Kids are kids when it comes to toys. Amazingly I too have a kid in me maybe that is why it was easy to help Heaven chose her toys. How lucky that they are able to choose what they like. When I was young we only get new toys on christmas. But well that's how we want our kids to give something more than what we have had experience. I'm grateful that life has been kind enough to them. I am constantly doing my best to be a good mom to them.
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