Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tornado Watch

We have a tornado warning up here! We only knew about it when we turned to the weather channel. They said it will last up to eleven tonight. I hope everything is gonna be alright. Gosh! It's been raining on and off since last night. The grass and trees have been drenched to quench their thirst. The ground has been pretty dry for the last week.
We had the chance to go this afternoon at BJ's Club. It's like Sam's Club where most of the items are bought by bulk. We went to the customer service counter and waited for a long time with so short a line because one guy was stuck in front of us. When it was our turn, we had our picture taken for our identification card. Have you ever tried your picture taken using an item scanner? That's how they took our picture there. Sounds funny but true. The card seem ugly but at least it's useful for us. The kids bought toys but James changed his mind. He returned his toy because he wanted to buy the Wall-E leapster which cost much more than we expected. I got my toy too, a porcelain doll that I started collecting. Now, I got two of them. Terry wanted to go to Super Fresh but I told him that it's raining and I don't want to go there so he dropped us home and went to the grocery store with Caleb. They actually went there to buy some food for Caleb. I told him to buy ice cream for me. When they went home good thing they never forgot to bring my ice cream! Woo, ice cream on a cold day, have you ever tried that?

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