Friday, September 12, 2008

These Long Time Blossoms

The sight of flowers makes me happy. One of the flowers I have loved collecting is the orchids. Yes, collecting orchids is fun. With utmost love and care they will produce the most beautiful flower for the longest time. How would you like that? When most flowers grow for a day or two and die thereafter not these orchids for their flowers stay about a three to four weeks. To grow them you have to water them every other day and feed them vitamins once every week. You can even sing to them or talk to them to make them feel loved. It sounds funny but most gardeners do that to their plants.
At first I thought they don't have smell but I have also collected a rare one- one that has a very nice fragile smell. Some of my collections are white denrobium that has a blush of baby pink on their petals, yellow danicing lady, an orange fire-like color orchid, beltius, waling-waling. I have more than a dozen orchids in my garden. I have posted some that I have taken pics of. They are a bit pricey but when I have learned to love them and they are a priceless collection to me.

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