Our next residence will be a long drive from New Jersey. Yes, we are going to have a long trip to Cumberland Maryland. It will take five to six hours to get there. I can tell you that because we have visited that place once before. It is a pretty charming town set in a valley. I like it because it looks old but friendly. Before you reach there you will come across between a split mountain purposely cut to create the road. It is very interesting place. Best of all we own that house because it has been paid off. I will be bringing some reading materials, nintendo ds, portable video and other stuff that will entertain the kids. I hate it when they always ask me if we have reached our destination as their patience grow shorter. The longer the drive the better that we are all comfortable.
Before all this will happen we have to prepare our van. It is better to gear it up to avoid accidents on the road. To prevent from car problems that would make us regret later is on top of our list. Hubby and I are searching for the good auto repairmen. He told me that I am good at searching so I looked for one. He also asked me to find out amongst my friends for recommendations about it since I have more friends here. One good friend told us about
Los Angeles auto repair. She told us she had her
Honda Civic done there. I rode on her car once after it was fixed and it was as good as new. We need a new
head gasket, new wheels, new break level and freon. Wheel realignment is one important thing that needs to be done too. We will be happy when all of this will be done at a considerable price. By then we will be ready to go to Maryland without a hassle.