I have been online too much. Lately I have been sleeping around 2 or 3 am and wake up as early as 5:30am to prepare my husband's lunch and prepare my kids for school. My head and body complained. My head is really aching so much, I got too tired. I crashed last night and never did anything but sleep. I took some meds but it won't seem to work at all so I took a rest. I think this is what my body really needs. My eyes also needed the rest. Without my glasses on I felt like throwing up. Things got complicated since the temperature is going below freezing point here. Gosh, I hate it when it gets too cold it also gives me a headache. I have very sensitive sinuses that a sudden change of temperature would surely make me drowsy. At seven pm I was already in bed. Forget eating dinner or whatsoever I was scared I might get sick because nobody can take care of my family. My body has to recuperate. My husband gave me some alka seltzer so that I will feel better. Thanks to him I am feeling great now.
I woke up early today to prepare breakfast for the family. I was also hungry because I slept last night with an empty stomach. At lunch time we had chicken nuggets and french fries.
We went to the produce store today to buy some vegetables. The prosuce store accepts cash only but the nice thing is its tax free. We got some lettuce, red bell pepper, red onions and tomatoes. We also dropped by Walmart to get some newspaper, apple juice, milk, bathroom cleaning liquid and chapsticks to moisturize my dry lips. At least I was able to go out for a while but I hate the cold outside it's making my head ache again.
I prepared my husband's salad for lunch tomorrow so I don't need to wake up for that. I will still need to wake up early to prepare the kids for school. I don't know when will my kids be independently doing things on their own. Oh well, they are still kids and they will be kids once so I am happy that I can help them because they really still need me for now.