Thursday, December 29, 2011
Carrying our Family Tradition of Christmas Lights
Ever since I can remember, I'm pretty sure that my family has made a huge deal out of putting up Christmas lights. My dad always spend a whole weekend putting them up and then makes us stand outside and watch him turn it on. he's always so proud of his lights. Well, my husband is just the same way now. But I'm pretty sure that my he comes from a long line of men enthusiastic about outdoor holiday lighting too.
Well, this year we decided to take a little bit of inspiration from pictures of lighting displays that we found online. While I was looking that up, I ran across some info on a Heating System. Ours has been a little tricky lately, so I decided to get our home fitted with one of them.
I think that our lights display is even better this year than it has been in the years past. But then again I guess that we've been a little more low key in the past few years and we really went all out this year. I say that we do it every year, unless we get a rude surprise by the power bill.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Smart Shopper Wannabe
2 Welchs sparkling juice 2/7
Nabisco crackers 2/5
Turtles 3/4
2 Nescafe 7oz on sale for 6.99
Folgers Coffee 11.3oz on sale for 5.49
a gallon of milk for 3.29.
I have coupons for almost each of the item that sum up to 23 dollars that I used to pay (some of these are mfr coupons and register rewards). I paid my balance with my $10Amex gift card I received from shopping at CVS. My balance is 5.01. All these items for 5 dollars? I could dance for joy dragging my basket out of Walgreens. My receipt said I saved 35.70. I think I did very well today!
Thank you once again Krazy Coupon Lady for being so brilliant and sharing your expertise!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Save Some Money With PackIt Lunch Box
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of PackIt for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
There are many ways of saving money. The idea comes in all sizes and shapes. Tips on how to do it amazes me but when it comes to applying it gets a little bit hard. Every penny counts so we do our best to be able to one thing at a time.
Hubby and I like to pack our lunch to save some money. We both prefer bringing our leftover home cook meals to work too. It is just more nutritious and it is a lot more delicious compared to frozen foods most of the time. I put our food in a lunch bag so its freshness is preserved a little bit longer. Hubby got tired of bringing his bulky lunch bag to work so he just bring it in a shopping bag. I got excited when I saw this
PackIt lunch boxes which is on BOGO sale for 19.95. We will have one each when I will buy it. They are come in a convenient size 8" x 10" x 5" so it is not really as bulky compared to hubby's old lunch bag. I prepare our lunch the night before so that hubby will just grab it the next day on his way to work. This Packit lunch box will last for ten hours isn't it cool? Check out the PackIt lunch boxes website to learn more about this fantastic bag that you can use everywhere you go.
Do you like to bring a pack lunch too? Tell me.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Early Christmas Shopping
Friday, November 11, 2011
New Baby
My wife and I just had our first child. By most peoples’ standards, I guess you could say that we are pretty successful. I have a job on Wall Street and my wife runs an accounting firm. We live in Manhattan and honestly, we have never had to think about the money we spend because we have always had plenty of money. When we got pregnant last year, for the first time we thought about the fact that we would have someone other than ourselves to think about. I started looking into different new york energy rates to make sure we were paying a reasonable rate for energy. I also told my wife that we should probably stick to a budget for the baby’s nursery. So far we have not made that many changes to our lifestyle, but now that the baby is here, my wife is thinking that she will not want to go back to work as soon as she had originally intended. If that is the case, we will definitely have to come up with some other ways to save money.
My First Wilton Class
Healthier Way of Cleaning
He likes cleaning except the vacuuming part. I do that part most of the time. I used to vacuum the house once every week. I have allergic rhinitis in which dust, extreme heat and extreme cold weather can trigger to my condition. I started to have congested nose a week or two ago so I decided to take a rest from vacuuming for a while. I wondered if vacuuming has also triggered to my allergies. How sure could one be that the vacuum sucked the all the dirt when we can't see the moving air inside it? I could not do anything about the weather because that is a condition that no one can stop but I can sure do something about vacuuming. I don't even have to do it myself. I surf the net and found to help me with the my carpet cleaning needs. I think steam cleaning the carpet is a better and healthier choice of cleaning the house for me. I would like to avail the cheap carpet cleaning services austin. I like the steam cleaning idea. The process of vacuuming the carpet with some water will prevent dust from flying all over the place. They will then steam dry it which is a better process of cleaning. This way scattering the dust and dirt is minimized. A new and freshly steam cleaned carpet smells great too.
Urgent Care
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A Way To Save Money
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Net10 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Believe it or not I prefer reading news and tips on the internet than watching it on television. I read a lot of stuff on the internet and my favorite part is ways to save money. In the downturn of economy, every dime and penny that gets out of your pocket matters a lot.
One way to save money is to use prepaid phones. It cuts your phone bill in half. Take a look for instance of this Net10 Unlimited. It is offering a great deal with prepaid phones. There are no contracts, no surprise bills and no credit checks. The nice thing about it is it has a nationwide coverage and an excellent reception. In addition it uses trusted brands of manufacturer phones like LG, Nokia and Samsung. I so love this brands since I have used them. You can also switch between plans to suit your budget without penalties or fees. I am thinking of getting two Net10 phones for my kids. I am going back to work and I just felt like they simply need it in case of emergency. They are really begging to have one. I'm sure I would save some money. They are excited about the plan.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Household Chores
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Mama Needs a Caregiver
In the Philippines, it is our culture to take good care of our old people. We love to do that because we think it is an obligation even if nobody told us. We have a high respect and sense of empathy to the elderly. It worries me to think about my mom. I always think I am responsible to what might happen to her. My mom has been a lot of help to me and my kids that's why I will never forget her. She helped me look after my kids. I think the feeling of being loved and taken cared of will always be reciprocated. I am a thousand miles away from her and that makes me sad. I think it's high time to find someone dependable to help my mom. I wish we have in home elder care in the Philippines instead of family and relatives who can't even be trusted at all to help her. I badly need a compassionate person who will be there for my mom. I thought my siblings can do that since they are family but I was wrong. I would love to help my mom enjoy the calming sunset of her days.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Protecting The Floor
I vacuum the whole house for the most part. I clean after the stains. How many times? Countless. I think this is my permanent role here until my kids learn how to do this. I am scared that they will stain the beige carpet because from my experience it is not easy to clean them. I don't have a steam cleaner and it cost a lot to call for a home service to do that tasks. I decided to look for some oriental rugs to cover, protect and prevent floor damages before it's too late.
Another busy area of our house is the family room. We gather in the family room to watch tv, relax and even my exercise machine is there. The family room seemed too large and bare so I decided to accent an area rug there too. It not only protects the carpet it also beautifies the floor area. I like the intricate designs of oriental rugs and they are really durable too.
Unpredictable Weather
Friday, October 28, 2011
Home Renovation
We own a house in Maryland. We have it rented out for the last three years but we have decided to use it as a per diem house since hubby is working from one place to another. We go and visit Maryland once a month. Most of our personal belongings are there. We are just bringing the basics in our apartment down here in South Carolina. The house in Maryland is half the size compared to our house before in New Jersey but we still like it. It sits by a small city street corner yet it is not busy nor populated. We can see the view of the mountains around us. It is nice and cool that we don't even need an air conditioner in the summer. There are a lot of things that need to be upgraded in this small house. We didn't mind this before because we were not living there. We need to have the sidings changed. We also need the kitchen renovated. Hubby told me that I can basically be the one in charge with the kitchen since I stay there all the time. I told him that first I want the space opened up, change the cupboards and then change the old countertop to granite tile. I want it to look neat and tidy and most of all updated. I love interior designing and I am up to this renovation business. I look forward to seeing myself in my newly remodeled kitchen.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Not Feeling Well
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Long Term Plan
I taught preschool, first, second , fourth graders. I taught different ages but the best part was teaching preschool. It was most memorable because I love younger kids. I feel a lot better around them. I felt happy and contented around them. There is something in them that I adore. They are so inquisitive and curious. They are just so fun to be with.
Preschool age have very short attention span that's why we need to go down to their level to help them learn. We need songs, interactive games and preschool supplies. It is in preschool that kids start to develop personal, emotional and social skills. Teamwork and play are important things too. I have very personal love and attachment to this age since my kids passed this age too. I think building my own preschool is a wonderful idea.
Friday, October 14, 2011
No School
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Clothing Update
I love to go shopping for clothes not only for myself but for the kids too. It is a good thing that seasons change. I take it as an advantage because I find shopping fun and therapeutic. It is also really necessary to buy clothes since my kids grow out of it sooner than you think. I seldom go shopping for my husband because he is very picky with clothes. He surely knows what he wants but this time he is really very busy with overtime at work so I am requested to go shop for his dress shirts. Yes this is a special request from him. I do think he trust my taste for clothes. I wonder where to buy mens big and tall clothes for him. I also want to surprise him with a sports jacket since he is a Steeler's fan. I am excited to go shopping for him.
Time To Change
I notice that it has been cooler than usual. The change of weather triggers cough, colds and even flu to everyone. We now end up groping in the dark and grabbing our bedspreads when we sleep. The comforter that the apartment is providing us for free doesn't seem to work anymore. It's time to change the bedsheets and even the type of clothes we wear. This is our first time living in the south but it does get chilly early in the morning. I thought it wouldn't really get this cold but it does a bit. It gets a little warmer as the day goes by. I wake up late of all people at home since I'm nocturnal kind. I need something thicker and better throws at night while watching tv because I hate it when I shiver in the cold. The kids need their beds change too since they are susceptible to health issues. I usually love egyptian cotton for the summer and something cozy, fluffy and thick blanket during cold season. This will protect us well from the cold. We left all our stuff in Maryland so we need to go shopping for all these stuff.
Field Trip
Monday, October 10, 2011
The Christmas List
I have a big extended family so I have really a long list that's why as early as this month I am starting to think about what to wrap. For myself I wanted to have a kitchenaid mixer which is way too expensive. Will hubby ever gift me this? We shall see. What's amazing is I find it easy to shop for girls but not for boys. Hubby suggested to buy mens t shirts for him and the rest of the guys in the family. I think it is a good suggestion this way I wouldn't get a headache on what to give them. All I have to do is just make sure the size is right and they will like the color. He is not choosy when it comes to gifts since he is very frugal. A good shirt that will last a long time will make him happy. It is basic and useful.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Amazing Cute Quotes
Friday, October 7, 2011
Happy Birthday My Dear Bff

You're a wonderful sissy..selfless, loving and patient. You're a great friend who is always willing to lend a hand and I am glad you are my friend.
I know this comes a little late. How time flies by. To my ever dearest bff hope you have a wonderful birthday. May each and every passing year bring you wisdom, peace and cheer. You're not getting older, you're getting better. May this year bring with it all the success and fulfillment your heart desires. More birthdays and more candles to blow my dear Tess.
We love you and miss you!;-)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Park Time

We went to Legacy Park last Saturday. It's a mile away from here. I am glad I was able to take some pics. I love the wide open space of the park. The kids love playing around and goofing around the camera. I am glad they were able to release their energy and have some fun at the same time. I brought 3 snacks bars in my bag but forgot to bring some water. Ooooppps sorry kids...We decided to walk home and I am glad we did. It help us save gas and it is a good exercise. Here are some pics that I would love to share with you enjoy...
Saturday, October 1, 2011
What Should I Give?
Friday, September 30, 2011
I Love Coupons!
And I have started shopping with coupons...once tasted always wanted. Who doesn't love good deals darling?;-) Thank you Krazy Coupon Lady I have learned so much from you. I'm a new at this so I am reading it slowly. The when I got it I decided to list down what I want and what I needed then headed to Walgreens and CVS this week.
I'm so proud of my good buy from Walgreens. I got a 14 count W Maxi Overnights pads. Actually bought for $2 then got a registered rewards(RR) for $2 which means it's free!
I also got a balance bar for $1.50 and got another RR for $1.50 that's another free!
I got 2 SoftSoap Body Wash with $2 in store coupon, a .50, .75, and .25 manufacturer's coupon. I ended up paying 1.25 for each body wash. How cool is that! I also got a kettle corn potato chips on sale for 1.99 and I got a $1 coupon so I ended up paying .99 cent for that. I was able to use my RR for some spices that were on sale for .79 cents each.
We went to CVS and grab some Theraflu on sale for $5.50. I have a $3 coupon if you buy 2 from Smartsource. On top of that earned $3 Extra Bucks. Final price for this is $2. I also bought olay cleansing cloth on sale for 3.99 with $2 off smartsource coupon. I ended up paying 1.99 deal. The Glade Sense and Spray is on sale for $6 and I have a $3 coupon so I paid $3 only regular price is 11.29.
I'm glad I am really learning.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Itchy Skin Remedy Anyone?
The small bumps are growing only at the back of my thighs so I could not say it is chicken pox or anything. What could it be? I exercise almost everyday and my thighs sweat too much. I tried to use calming itch lotion but it does not seem to work. I showered with very hot water to fight the itch but the itch comes back after I shower. I also took some allergy medicine just to make sure. I already called my mom about my dilemma and she advised me to use Natural Soap when in the shower. It keeps the skin soft and smooth. It will also keep the dryness and the itch away. I know mothers know best when it comes to our health. I hope this works because I am really so done with this. Oh well this is better than a flu or something worse.
Do you have any known remedy for itchy dry skin?
The Weighing Scale
I told you the gym's weighing scale is broken. Weeks ago I kept using it and I wondered why I never lost weight and to make things worse I weighed 5 lbs more than I thought I was. How did I knew this? I already have a sneakin' suspicion on that and even the other gym users. I tried to convince hubby to get me a weighing scale for our house. Just last night we bought a new weighing scale for our house. I wanted a basic weighing scale less than 10 bucks but hubby insisted to buy the other one. It was on sale for 5 bucks off the original price. I was so excited because I was a lot more lighter than the other weighing scale. I'm so glad we bought our new weighing scale.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
How Do You Stop Debt Collectors?
At one time hubby lived in an apartment in Memphis. He was a good tenant. He always pay his apartment bill on time. When he left the apartment we even went back to clean it. To make the story short when he left the landlord ran after him for some bills charged to him for burning the carpet or something like that. I thought it's ridiculous. Wherever we go they always write him and tell him to pay. At first he just ignored it then the next he felt really irritated. It's surprising how they get a way knowing where you live. For sure there is a law to protect a good paying tenant from all of this. I felt he is being harassed. This is an unfair and deceptive debt collection practice that a frugal man has encountered.
Itchy Legs
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Grand Vacation Plan
I admit I am an adventurer and I love to travel a lot. Just this year we have been to Disney World Florida and to more than a couple islands in the Philippines for vacation. I always make a point to drag my family with me especially the kids. They should not miss the fun and the learning experience in being able to see places. As I have mentioned in my earlier post we have tried to explore the local area- downtown Greenville. There are so many more places I in my bucket list.
I would love to have Jaca Costa Rica Vacations on our fifth wedding anniversary. The lush tropical greens, the white sand beaches and the crystal blue waters reminds me of home away from home. I'm so going to this lovely destination.
Hubby is entitled to some vacation leave so we definitely can use that. For now we will try to save some money to be able to go on a grand vacation. I hope and pray for this to happen. Tell me is it too much to ask for?
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Exploring Downtown Greenville
Greenville SC has a lot of beautiful parks to enjoy. I'm living and loving it here. Last Friday we went to downtown Greenville to explore it. We walked 6-8 blocks and saw a lot of stores and restaurants. I felt good to be able to do this with my family. We also explored Falls Park. It's amazing that you can come in this pretty park for free. It has an awesome waterfalls and and amazing place to walk around. Well you get to pay if you do certain activities like photography and weddings which i think is fair enough. We did see a couple in the park and in one hotel too. I brought some snacks for the kids to munch. We ate lunch at a Mexican restaurant called Cantiflas. Hubby and I ordered steak con chile. It's a hot steak strips fajitas. We went home tires but so glad we discovered something new.
Friday, September 23, 2011
It's Friday What's for Dinner?
We usually dine out on Friday nights. It's a treat for me for cooking on weekdays. It is also a little break for me from being a busy housewife. Tonight is a little bit different because we opted to just cook something for dinner. I wonder what's for dinner since this isn't the usual plan. I have to find an easy recipe so we can have a good dinner even when we are just home. I wanted hubby to make spaghetti but he saw some pork chop meats being thawed. I didn't place it on the sink so I wondered who did. The first plan was this hubby will make dinner but now I have to do it because somebody left the porkchops on the sink. Oh well he will make one on Sunday so that's fine with me. I will stir fry some cabbage to go with that to have a well-balanced dinner. Hubby volunteered to make some cake for dessert so I am happy with that.
Tomorrow is a family day for us. We will go downtown Greenville to sightsee. I heard it's pretty there. There is a beautiful park downtown called Falls Park where a suspension bridge for pedestrians is constructed. We can also walk around downtown to explore. We will also have dinner there instead of eating out today. I am looking forward to tomorrow's activity.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Pay Per Click
With a $10 bonus it sounds so tempting right. All you need to do is click on the free job and it said you will earn .50 every successful click. I wanna earn so I want to try this out. I hope it works. Have you tried this?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
An Extra Phone
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Straight Talk for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
My daughter is is a little bit shy but she is sweet, kind and friendly. In our four year of living here she is coping well with adjustment in living here. Day by day she has gained friends that she wanted to regularly communicate with. She also have a bestfriend who loves to call her and talk with her all the time. She hails from the last state we lived in- New Jersey. Her name is Madi. They're like Hook, line and sinker. I want their friendship to last a long long time that is why I need an extra phone. A phone with no contracts and no surprise bills. A phone that she can use to Call a friend.
Searching for the best phone online I came across Straight Talk. It has a great nationwide coverage and excellent reception. You have a choice to be able to get a prepaid or postpaid from them .The prepaid one is best for her and it is just exactly what I am looking for. Furthermore they have a wide variety of trusted manufacturer phones. The best one I am excited to get is the Samsung Precedent powered by Android. With Android on Straight Talk you can do a thousand things. How cools is that? I'm excited. How about you do you Straight Talk?
It's Raining
Friday, September 16, 2011
Finally It's Cooling Down
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Moving Here and There
After living in Aiken for just a week hubby found another job in Greenville so we moved again. For some people they would not understand why we keep moving but hubby is a contract worker. He is a structural designer so life is always on the road. I already explained it to the kids that we need to keep moving for survival. However we have our retirement home in Maryland and someday when hubby retires that's where we will live for good.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Happy Anniversary
I would never forget the day I came to the US with my two kids. They were so small then ages 5 and 6. Now they are 9 and 10. It doesn't seem so long ago but they grew up so fast and so soon. September 9th is our 4- year in the US and September 14th is our 4th wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary honey! It seemed like we just got married yesterday. We've fought and make up and I admit you spoiled me like a brat but most of the time we get along well that's what I am so proud of. I treasure our love and togetherness my love.
He asked me what gift I would want to have on our special day and I can not even think of one. We just got back from our Philippine vacation. He has given me an htc sensation android phone lately which I think is too expensive for a phone. Oh well it does a lot of things that makes me a happy bee. So what more should I asked for?
I Love Coupons
Staking Out and Excecuting My Fashion's Night Out Plan
I really love it when I start thinking about a plan and after I've done all the planning, I execute it like a pro. Yep, you could say that I am quite the plan But I don't think that's a bad thing at all! It's actually a really great idea. As soon as they released the full list all the Fashion's Night Out events, I decided that it would be a really great idea to start making out my schedule. Basically, I want to see as much stuff as possible without sacrificing any quality of fun.
When I was looking online to find all of the events, I ran across some info on internet packages and after I showed more info to my roommates, we decided to switch over our service to it.
I think out of all the things I went to, my favorite Fashion's Night Out event was Seth Meyers from SNL bartending at Coach. That was so much fun! I also picked up this too-cute bag there while I was in the store, which I guess is the point of the night.
Extreme Couponing
Monday, September 12, 2011
A New Home and A New TV
Yesterday we started searching for a Flat Screen TV for the living room. We went to Walmart and Best Buy since they have a lot of brands to choose from in the area. There were a lot of home entertainment that would amaze you but all we wanted is an energy efficient tv and something that would fit in our small living room corner. We will move our older tv that we are currently using right now to the kid's room when we will be able to buy our new flat screen tv soon. I am excited on getting our new tv on payday.
Diet and Exercise
Friday, August 19, 2011
Just Got Back...
Yes we just got back from our three-week vacay in the Philippines. It was our first time in four years. It was a long ride way there and way back but we made it thank God! We went to Boracay, Camiguin, Cebu and Manila. I thought it was one exciting vacation spent with family and friends. Hubby was able to get a tooth implant and and the kids some dental cleaning. I think 3 weeks was not enough since we have to go places. I wish we will be able to go there again soon. The kids are missing Pinas already.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Wow The Good Life
We are in our mid-30’s and have enjoyed the fruits of our labors as upwardly mobile young executives living the city life. However after our second child was born, we decided we didn’t want to raise our children in the hustle and bustle of the city and relocated to the country north of our city. Commuting into the city was possible for my husband’s job and my freelance work allowed me the freedom to work from home. Imagine my shock when I found out I was far enough out in the country that internet service was hard to come by. Fortunately, I was able to get service from and it has made staying in touch a lot easier—plus it allowed me the ability to continue my freelance work without an interruption. We love it here and I am happy that my children can grow up with memories similar to those of my childhood—space to roam around, clean air and neighbors who know you by name and like to join you on the front porch for a glass of cold lemonade.
Like a Red Fly
Monday, June 13, 2011
I Want To Be a Nurse
To my excitement I also started searching for something good to wear. I believe what you wear reflects of who you are. I saw a lot of scrubs of different colors and designs at I really liked the simple scrub sets for women. It is a good reflection of my personality. I'm so excited about this one big plan that would greatly affect my whole life. For now I am taking it one step at a time.
Kiddie Pool
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Goodbye New Jersey
As of the moment I am making sure that the house is ready for the next family to move in. I want them to be happy that they bought this house. I need the professional carpet cleaning services austin to come and visit me for the final house clean up. We would also need the natural odor removal austin for my stepson's room. I just hate to leave this house with that stink in his room. I am trying to remove my emotions away from this house that I have lived for three long years. I have met good friends here and it is sad that we have to go.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
And I Am Back...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Smokey Is Still My Number One
Whenever Smokey Robinson is in town I try to make it to his concerts. The last time I saw him was at the Greek Theater, and it was one of my most exciting musical experiences. I was so anxious to see Smokey that I hurriedly set my home security alarm (Florida ADT security systems) before going to the concert.
At the concert, people seemed really happy that he was playing at such a beautiful outdoor location. I remember looking up at the night stars while Smokey serenaded me with hi! s timeless and unique sound. His music always seems especially for us women hoping to find that special someone.
I really like Smokey's concerts because it feels so good to get swept away in his poetic lyrics. They allow me, for at least for one evening, to escape every day problems and enjoy a magical moment in a romantic world that I would like to believe he created just for me. His music brings fans together, and I find myself easily talking with strangers who enjoy his concerts as much as I do.
Sometimes, I attend Smokey's concerts with friends, but I prefer to take my parents. When we went to the Greek Theater it was especially fun for me to watch my mother drool over Smokey while my father sitting next to her looked just a little bit jealous.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Disney World Experience
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Upset With Viking
Spring Cleaning Time
It's a tiresome job to do the house cleaning all the time. A little cleaning each day would greatly help when a major cleaning time pops around the corner. This way cleaning will not be as tedious as we imagine it. I have to go to work, wash the dishes, do the laundry and feed the kids when I get home. The pressure is on me.
As a busy mom I would need the steam carpet cleaning services austin to help me with my carpet made fresh and look new again. There's an upholstery cleaning tips austin that I find helpful. I tell you it's a good read. My teenage stepson's room has a stinky room that I need to attend to. I am pretty sure natural odor removal austin can help me with this remove the unwanted odor. I'm really looking forward to a lovely fresh and clean spring.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Medical Drama Series That I Love
Some of my friends are nurses and I am glad that they really are giving suggestions on what to do when I become clueless when my kids get sick. I wanted to gift them with these pretty nursing scrubs as a gesture of gratitude. I just hope they will like it.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Happy Birthday to Me!
My birthday was last March 4th. My friend couple Sean and Gen treated me to dinner with the kids at an Italian restaurant called Two to Tango. I could not thank them enough for such a kind thought. Then invited my friends to Borgata buffet in Atlantic City over the weekend for dinner. Since hubby is not around we planned to have Sean drive us to the venue but he was sick. My oh my poor kid. I went to ask a ride from Ellen which she gladly obliged. Thanks a lot my dear amiga. the funny story of Ellen fetching us at the house because she got lost somewehre then on the way to Borgata we missed the tunnel so we turned around. We ended up going straight to dinner and no shopping at all. Ellen did not just bring us to Ac but even brought us back safely home. Thank you so much Ellen youre a life saver. I treated them to dinner because this don't happen all the time and my friends are really nice people that I hold dear to my heart. From the bottom of my heart I thank you for coming and enjoying the day with me. I am not getting any younger but I am glad I am getting wiser every step of the way!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Thinking of Moving to Hawaii
One of my close friends Gen is thinking of moving to Hawaii. Her husband is in the military and they are moving all the time. This is next place of destination they want to be since it is really beautiful out there. It reminds her of home away from home like me. First and foremost they have to go and see the palce first. Then they have to sell their house here. Third they have to study about the Hawaiian islands that would suit them best as a couple since there are six major islands where you can opt to stay. I am also really excited about this thought. I told her to invite me to go and see Hawaii when they will be finally settled there. Without a second thought the couple said yes. Right now they are trying to look at the best airfare yet to be able to see and appreciate beautiful Hawaii. It would be lovely to get a really nice house on a hill overlooking the blue waters.
Happy Weekend Everyone!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Niece is Getting Married
cute wedding invitations with Hawaiian theme since she wants to get married there. She should make it a point to write down the five W's. Who are invited, what needs to be done, where is the venue, and when should it be. There are many things to prepare in a wedding so this is really the best time to start preparing.
For now they are having a vacation in the Philippines. They are informing her parents about the marriage. I'm sure her dad will be very happy about it. In as much as I am her second parent I am thrilled to helping her make her dreams come true. I want to search for an elegant wedding invitation online and show it to her. She loves the color pink and it would go great with hibiscus, pearly shells and diamonds as a wedding decoration. I'm sure she will be happy.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Knowing You Knowing Me

Not long ago I met an online blogger friend named Gagay. When I changed my blog lay out she was one of the few who noticed and appreciated it. And then she gave me this Stylish Blogger Award. So sweet of you my dear gg... a million thanks!
•Thank and link back the person who gave you this award.
•Share 7 things about yourself.
•Award 15 great bloggers you know.
•Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.
Seven Interesting Facts About Me
1. I was once a teacher for 10 years in the Philippines.
2. I love kids and my two kids simply amazes me.
3. I can easily detect a person's character just by hearing them talk.
4. Friends tend to tell me their problems and secrets without asking them.
5. I love Arts specially photography and culinary.
6. I was an editor in chief in our high school paper.
7. I am a light sleeper.
I would like to share this award to:
1. Menmen
2. Demcy
3. Yen
4. Lulu
5. Comely
6. Gladys
7. Rose
8. Lea
9. Adin
10. Mona
11. Yana Koh
12. Cacai
13. Kat
14. Bev
15. Nicquee
Enjoy the weekend stylish bloggers!!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Preventing Crimes
Is It Spring Yet?
It snowed last night. When I woke up it looked pretty bad. I don't want to be yacking on people so I started clearning the snow myself. I never thought we would have a bunch of little snow this year. I say little because we had more than what we had last year. We had like 3 major ones last year but this year seemed to be as bad even if it came in small bunches.
When the kids were asleep the school called up that classes will be cancelled the next day due to severe weather conditions. When the kids woke up they got ready for school. Suddenly, I heard James crying and wondered what was going on. I rushed downstairs and saw the two of them looking out in the backyard. The snow can be seen through the sliding door. They were fighting about how many inches the snow is. Heaven said it's ten and James said it's twelve. She was trying to make fun of his idea so she can win. I held him tight in my arms and told him not to cry about it because he is just telling the truth. They were just both estimating it and no one would like to lose like they're betting. Funny. They wondered why the bus never came so I told them teacher said to stay at home so you can help your parents clean up the snow mess. I was just done not long ago with my three hours of shoveling in the snow. My 2 little ones helped me with it. I say little because theyre 9 and 10. What do you expect of kids this age when it comes to snow removal. Amazingly they are really of big help to me. Thanks a bunch kiddos!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Soothing Relief for Babies
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Boudreaux's Butt Paste. All opinions are 100% mine.
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Boudreaux's Butt Paste. All opinions are 100% mine.
My kids are babies no more but I do love baby sitting kids especially the younger ones. They are simply lovable and adorable. I could never get tired taking care of them. At one time I baby sat Maria. She is one smart adorable baby. She never have any fuss with things. She is very active baby. She keeps moving around the house like a spinning top and we kept on following her. I simply love her. I could never get tired of taking good care of her.
As I have observed babies get easily irritated with diapers. The daily wear of the disposable undies will tend to make their soft skin easily irritated no matter how expensive the disposable diaper is. It is really important to put something to soothe the skin and stop pain and irritation. Baby Maria has very sensitive skin so the pediatrician gave her Boudreaux's Butt Paste which helps her rash heal fast and make her more comfortable every time we change her diaper. This paste comes in a handy travel size so one can easily throw it in the baby bag with the diapers. It has a pleasant scent which I love since I am very sensitive with smells. No wonder this is featured in Ophra Show and People Magazine.
If you are interested to get a free sample simply click the link highlighted above.
Happy Birthday Andrew

We will be going to the party later and Sean will drop us off. Menmen will bring us home later after the party. I am proud to have such good circle of friends. Few yet they are a treasure to me. The kids are so excited about it. I'm making some bico and fruit salad for the party.
On the otherhand Gen is finally out of the hospital. I'm so happy to hear about the good news.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Personal Wealth
Happy Weekend!
A New Member of the Family
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Get Well Soon Gen

I got a text from Gen last night. She told me she's in the hospital for surgery. I thought it was just a joke because she don't usually text me in the middle of the night. We usually exchange good mornings not goodnights but she knows I'm a sleepless blogger, lol. In the middle of our conversation I started to realize this is no prank message. Her gall bladder was removed today. I went to put some flowers in her confinement room while she was in the operating room. I left then went back a couple of hours after her operation just to make sure she's okay. I feel her pain and I told her to be strong since she's away from her family. She's a very close friend almost like a sister to me. People mistake her to be my daughter which is funny and we laugh about it. It's amazing how how she has become so close to me. I call her gang and my kids asked me what gang means. I told them it means dear. They are amazed by what it means. I am lucky by chance God has given me a wonderful friend as you. Gen please get well soon!