Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Reaching my Dreams

Life's simple beginning has pushed me to dream big. I worked hard to reach my dreams no matter what. Hard work is always important to be able to realize all your dreams. No pain no glory, they say. I can always prove it right. I have burned my midnight candle. I have always been kind and humble and forgiving to people. My eyes were focused on my goal which is a life of contentment and simplicity. When can one be happy? Happiness has a broad definition, to each his own, but for me happiness is a life full of love, optimism, simplicity and contentment. Sure you can always define happiness to your own nevertheless I define mine the same. If I look back to the things I have done just to be where I am now I would never regret it. I thank God for giving me focus in loving and living for the people whom I love and value most. I had my own share of tears and sorrows with relationships yet it is in those experiences that I have learned to be strong not only for myself but for my children. I have served the public in my most simple way with no regrets and that is teaching. As I moved on with my life everyone was happy for me. I know some are jealous but what can you say. To all the people who have shared their life with me in one way or another, I thank you for giving me a chance. You made me strong and you have given me strength to reach for my dreams.

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